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2016年5月11日 16:23:57  分类: 双语阅读  参与: 人  点这评论

Mystery as British Airways A380 plane lands in London with square tire



Square eggs, square watermelons and now... square tires?


Here's an aviation mystery to sit alongside the Bermuda Triangle and the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.


A British Airways Airbus A380 set off from Hong Kong on May 5 with 22 round wheels -- but apparently touched down at London Heathrow with a bizarre square-shaped tire.


This extraordinary photo was uncovered by aviation news site The Aviation Herald, which reported that the British Airways crew received a tire pressure warning shortly after takeoff.

这张离奇的照片是被航空新闻网站The Aviation Herald发现的,该网站报道了英国航空公司机组人员在飞机起飞后不久就收到了轮胎压力警告。

The crew continued with the flight but requested that a tow tug be available at the London airport in case the aircraft was unable to taxi to the gate by itself.


How did it happen?

Kumar Mysore, from the Royal Aeronautical Society, told the Mail that the square shape might be due to how the weight of the Airbus A380 distributes itself on a deflated tire.

库马尔·迈索尔,来自英国皇家航空协会,他向《每日邮报》(the Daily Mail)解释说飞机轮胎变成方形可能是由于轮胎承受不了空客A380的重量而漏气导致的。

"You can see that the wheel is not damaged at all, as it is designed to take this weight.


"The effect is the same as when you squeeze a rubber ring toy with different intensity, it can turn into a different shape.


"In an A380, for this particular situation, it happens to be squarish."


Mysore assured the Daily Mail that while there were a number of possible reasons for the deflation, "pilots are well trained to handle the situation safely."


A spokesperson for British Airways also confirmed that the flight was not in danger.


"Our flight landed normally last Friday with one of its 22 tires deflated.


"The A380, in common with other large commercial aircraft, is designed to be perfectly safe when landing with a deflated tire.


"Our engineers quickly changed the tire and the aircraft went back into service."




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