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2016年5月3日 9:08:26  分类: 双语阅读  参与: 人  点这评论

Three Earth-like planets discovered orbiting dwarf star


Story highlights(内容梗概)

    Researchers have discovered three potentially habitable, Earth-like worlds orbiting a dwarf star

    The star and its planets are 40 light-years away in another star system



(CNN)For the first time, researchers have discovered three potentially habitable, Earth-like worlds orbiting an ultracool dwarf star 40 light-years away in another star system, according to a study published in the journal Nature.


The ultracool dwarf star, known as TRAPPIST-1, isn't the kind of star scientists expected to be a hub for planets. It's at the end of the range for what classifies as a star: half the temperature and a tenth the mass of the sun. TRAPPIST-1 is red, barely larger than Jupiter and too dim to be seen with the naked eye or even amateur telescopes from Earth.

在矮星区域范围内有一颗超冷恒星,被称为 TRAPPIST-1,它不像科学家们预期的那样是行星的中心。它处在被分类为行星的边缘:温度是太阳的一半,体积是太阳的十分之一。TRAPPIST-1是红色的,勉强比木星大一些,但是星体光线太弱导致在地球上用裸眼甚至天文望远镜都难以看到。

But these tiny stars, along with brown dwarfs, are long-lived, common in the Milky Way and represent 25-50% of stellar objects in the galaxy, said study researcher Julien de Wit, a postdoctoral associate with MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.

但是这些围绕着矮星的小行星已经存在了很久了,通常在银河系中有着25-50%这样的星体,一位麻省理工学院地球科学系、大气层及行星科学系的研究者Julien de Wit说道。

They were largely overlooked until researcher Michaël Gillon of the University of Liège in Belgium decided to take a risk and study the space around one of these dwarves. It paid off.

它们几乎被忽略直到位于比利时烈日大学的一名研究者Michaël Gillon决定冒险研究这些矮星周围区域才发现的,它起作用了。

Over the course of 62 nights from September to December 2015, researchers led by Gillon used a telescope, also called TRAPPIST (transiting planets and planetesimals small telescope), to observe its starlight and changes in brightness. The team saw shadows, like little eclipses, periodically interrupting the steady pattern of starlight. Using a telescope that can detect infrared light added an advantage that visible light camera programs don't provide.


The planets are about the size of Earth and given the proximity of two of them to the dwarf star, they receive about four times the amount of radiation than we do from the sun, which suggests they are in the "habitable zone." According to Burgasser, the "habitable zone," determines how close a planet is to the star that it orbits and given the temperature of the planet based on that proximity, it could have water on the surface. This core ingredient for life as we know it also suggests there could be an atmosphere and habitable regions on the planets themselves.


Less is known about the third outer planet, which receives twice the amount of radiation that Earth does, but it is potentially in the habitable zone as well.


Like the moon, the researchers believe the two planets closest to the star are tidally locked. This means that the planets always face one way to the star. One side of the planet is perpetually night, while the other is always day.


These results are just the beginning of a study that will continue for years. The researchers are already working on observations to see if the planets have water or methane molecules.


The planets are the perfect target to be studied at 40 light-years away, but that doesn't mean we will reach them anytime soon. With current technology, it would take millions of years for an expedition to reach these planets. But from a research perspective, they provide a close opportunity and the best target to search for life beyond Earth and our solar system. What we find also could change how we determine the creation of life as we know it.


The telescopes these researchers use to study the planets are even more precise than Hubble. In 2018, they can begin using the James Webb Space Telescope, which will allow the scientists to observe the shell of an atmosphere if it exists for these planets, and even what chemicals comprise that atmosphere. It will also provide more detailed information about the planets' composition, temperature and pressure, according to de Wit.

这些研究者用来研究这些行星的天文望远镜设置比哈勃望远镜精确。到了2018,他们将开始使用詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜,它将能让科学家们观察大气层的外层是否因为这些行星存在的,甚至能知道大气层是由哪些化学物质组成的。它还能获取更多关于行星的构成的信息,据de Wit所说。     

The next generation of telescopes will also be able to search for the subtle signatures of biomarkers, like oxygen, de Wit said.

de Wit提到,下一代天文望远镜还将支持探索生物指标的细微特征,如氧气。

Burgasser is excited about what this discovery means for the future, which he anticipates will include more interest in these tiny stars and what they can support.


Burgasser, who has made the study of dwarf stars his life's work, says that TRAPPIST-1 was initially studied quite a bit, but the planets around it have not been revealed until now.


"It's like you've known this good friend your whole life and suddenly find out that they're royalty," he said.


Forward from : http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/02/health/three-habitable-planets-earth-dwarf-star/index.html



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